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General Terms Studio Reverie 

1. Definitions

Studio Reverie/Contractor: The entity responsible for the design, furnishing of offices, and procurement services as described in these terms and conditions.
Client/Principal: The party engaging the services of Studio Reverie for the design, furnishing, and procurement for residential and office spaces.
Budget: The agreed total amount allocated by the Client for the execution of services by Studio Reverie.
Design: The conceptual plan for the furnishing of the residence/office presented by Studio Reverie, which the Client approves before any purchases are made.
Suppliers: Third parties from whom Studio Reverie procures products and services for the project.


2. Applicability

2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, agreements, and other legal relationships.
2.2 If the Client references their general terms and conditions upon acceptance, these are deemed to have been expressly rejected by Studio Reverie.


3. Hourly Rate and Costs

3.1 Studio Reverie charges an hourly rate excluding 21% VAT. This hourly rate is stated in the quotation. The hourly rate is exclusive of travel and parking costs, which are charged separately. Travel costs amount to €0.30 per kilometer excluding VAT.
3.2 All costs arising from the services of Studio Reverie, including but not limited to costs for design, furnishing, and procurement, are borne by the Client.
3.3 Studio Reverie charges the Client a fee of 15% on the costs incurred for the purchase of materials and products for the project. The Client agrees to these purchases by Studio Reverie upon signing the quotation.


4. Payment Terms

4.1 The Client must make an initial payment of one-third of the budget to Studio Reverie before work commences.
4.2 The Client must make a second payment of one-third of the budget within fourteen days after the Client has approved the presented design and Studio Reverie proceeds to procure the necessary materials and services.
4.3 The Client must make the final payment of one-third of the total budget within fourteen days after the services by Studio Reverie have been delivered.
4.4 Studio Reverie is automatically in default towards the Client if payment is not received within the aforementioned periods.
4.5 In the event of late payment, the Client owes Studio Reverie interest of 1.5% per month or part of a month.
4.6 In the event of late payment, the Client owes Studio Reverie extrajudicial collection costs, which are set at a minimum of 15% of the outstanding principal amount, with a minimum of €500.
4.7 The Client is not permitted to offset any claim against Studio Reverie.
4.8 Studio Reverie is authorized to suspend work already commenced if the Client fails to meet their obligations to Studio Reverie.


5. Costs/Additional and Reduced Work

5.1 Studio Reverie is allowed to charge for additional or reduced work up to a maximum of 10% without requiring consultation or approval from the Client.
5.2 Additional and reduced work will be settled: a) in case of changes in the assignment or execution conditions;
b) in case of instructions from or on behalf of the government, based on legal regulations or decrees, unless Studio Reverie should have known about these at the conclusion of the agreement;
c) in case of deviations from the amounts of provisional sums and adjustable quantities;
d) in the cases where settlement as additional or reduced work is prescribed in this agreement.

5.3 Changes as mentioned in 5.2, subject to the provisions of 5.1, will be recorded in writing. The absence of a written order does not affect the claims of Studio Reverie and the Client for the settlement of additional and reduced work.


6. Revision Rounds

6.1 One revision round is included in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the work. Additional hours will be charged at the hourly rate and will be communicated in advance unless these hours fall within the 10% margin mentioned in Article 5.


7. Client Obligations

7.1 The Client ensures that Studio Reverie: a) can timely dispose of the necessary data and approvals (such as permits, exemptions, and decrees) for the setup of the work, as indicated by Studio Reverie;
b) has access to the building, space, room, or object where the work must be performed, which should be empty and clean if necessary;
c) is provided with sufficient opportunities for the supply, storage, and/or removal of materials and tools;
d) has connection possibilities for electrical machines, lighting, heating, gas, water, and other energy necessary for the execution of the work;
e) receives drawings of the location of cables, pipes, and conduits if needed.

7.2 The necessary electricity, gas, and water are at the Client's expense.
7.3 The Client ensures that work and/or deliveries by others, which do not belong to the work of Studio Reverie, are performed in such a timely manner that the execution of the work is not delayed.


8. Suppliers and Purchases

8.1 Studio Reverie has the right and full freedom to contact suppliers and procure products/services necessary for the project on behalf of the Client.
8.2 Any guarantees, complaints, or disputes regarding products and services purchased by Studio Reverie are handled by Studio Reverie on behalf of the Client for up to three months after the project completion date. Thereafter, a list of suppliers and contacts will be provided to the Client, who is expected to contact them and address any issues within the applicable time frame.
8.3 Studio Reverie works with builders and suppliers but cannot be held responsible or liable for the work and products of third parties. The Client fully indemnifies Studio Reverie for any damages/defects to products from suppliers or works resulting from builders' activities.
8.4 Suppliers may have longer delivery times than previously communicated, causing project delays. Studio Reverie is not responsible or liable for such delays. The Client fully indemnifies Studio Reverie for any damages resulting from late project completion due to extended delivery times or delays in construction activities.


9. Technical Drawings

9.1 Technical drawings for builders, if necessary, are provided for an additional fee. Sketches from Studio Reverie are included in the quotation.
9.2 Builders are responsible for measurements. The Client indemnifies Studio Reverie for damages resulting from measurement errors.


10. Project Management and Communication

10.1 Project management responsibility on-site will be shared for communication and attendance at meetings and deliveries.
10.2 Communication with the building owner and construction-related matters will be managed through on-site project management.


11. Electronic Systems

11.1 Electronic systems, screens, cameras, and ventilation systems are not included in the quotation and work. These matters must be arranged through a third party and managed by the Client unless otherwise agreed.


12. Intellectual Property Rights

12.1 All drawings, models, and calculations are subject to Studio Reverie’s copyright and remain the property of Studio Reverie.
12.2 The Client is not permitted, without written permission from Studio Reverie, to copy, reproduce, or distribute these documents without Studio Reverie’s consent.


13. Retention of Title

13.1 The materials supplied to the Client by Studio Reverie remain the property of Studio Reverie until full payment has been made.
13.2 At the request of Studio Reverie, the Client is obliged to provide security for the amount owed, including by offering goods as (non-possessory) pledge or providing a bank guarantee.


14. Liability of Studio Reverie

14.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6:75 of the Dutch Civil Code (force majeure), the following circumstances are not at the risk and expense of Studio Reverie: strikes within the suppliers' or transporters' companies, government measures, fire, late deliveries regardless of the reason by suppliers or transporters.
14.2 Studio Reverie is not liable for damage to the work resulting from factors beyond Studio Reverie’s risk, for which Studio Reverie did not need to take appropriate measures given the nature of the work, and it would be unreasonable to hold Studio Reverie liable, as well as the situations mentioned in the general terms and conditions.
14.3 Studio Reverie is never liable to the Client for damage to the work exceeding half the amount of the quotation.
14.4 Studio Reverie is not liable for damage to the work resulting from work performed by the Client or by third parties on their behalf.


15. Liability of the Client

15.1 The Client bears the risk for designs, calculations, drawings, and methods prescribed by or on behalf of them, as well as for orders and instructions given by or on behalf of them.
15.2 If materials or tools provided by the Client, or prescribed by them, have defects, the Client is liable for the resulting damage.
15.3 If the start or progress of the work is delayed due to factors for which the Client is responsible, including contractors and/or assistants engaged by the Client, the resulting damage and costs to Studio Reverie must be compensated by the Client.
15.4 The delay in the completion of the work by Studio Reverie caused by this cannot be held against Studio Reverie.


16. Waste Disposal

16.1 Costs for the disposal of materials and packaging will be charged to the Client


17. Completion and Maintenance Period

17.1 The work shall be considered completed: a) when Studio Reverie has notified the Client, either in writing or orally, after the duration of the work, of the completion of the work and the Client has approved the work;
b) eight days after Studio Reverie has notified the Client in writing that the work is completed, and the Client has failed to inspect the work within that period;
c) upon the Client's use of the work, with the understanding that by using a part of the work, that part is considered completed;
d) minor defects that can reasonably be repaired within the period specified below shall not be a reason to withhold approval.

17.2 If approval of the work is withheld, the Client is obliged to notify Studio Reverie in writing, stating the reasons.

17.3 Studio Reverie is only obliged—and must be given the opportunity—to repair minor defects and any defects that become apparent within 30 days of completion, as notified in writing by the Client, as soon as possible.

17.4 After the aforementioned period, Studio Reverie is no longer liable for defects in the work, unless the work contains a hidden defect and Studio Reverie is notified of this within six weeks of its discovery.

17.5 The work will be completed by Studio Reverie within the term specified in the agreement, which is not a strict deadline. Studio Reverie will be in default only after a notice of default from the Client, granting a reasonable period to comply.


18. Agreement

The Client declares, by signing/accepting the quotation, to have taken notice of the general terms and conditions of Studio Reverie and explicitly agrees to them.

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